REDNEKZ BACK ON TRACK...HEAD TO PLAYOFFS, News, Team 4 - Red, PeeWee, 2013-2014 (Belle River District Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 13, 2014 | Paul Herz | 583 views
A solid performance by the Rednekz resulted in a big win to get them back on track heading into the playoffs next week.  The game was played well at both ends with only a few hiccups along the way.  The bench was a little short, but everyone put it into high gear and helped out where needed.  "we just kept going out there, the door never seemed closed" could be heard from Nathan as he ran out onto the ice.  The team looks to continue their winning ways for the next 5 games of playoff hockey...followed by a 3 game "day of champions" to decide a victor.  GOOD LUCK REDNEKZ!